Thomas Project

Thomasproject is a utopian space.

It’s a space where different language speaking artists live together, experimenting with new tools and ways to express the world. We abandoned these tools and expressions, or at least we put them aside; we invented them and may have used them only for the new world projects.

In this office the tools for sailing off are developed and put together. New compasses, astrolabes, maps. Here, the old globes are updated and new routes are marked

Thomasproject is an unnecessary space. But we need it urgently.

Utopia is not a place to be reached anymore, if it ever was. An island in another hemisphere where we could escape from the greyness of our existence. Utopia is among us, it lives inside our existence.

Concrete things form utopia: our freedom, our bodies, our thoughts.

Most of the time it lives a secret life, one of its own. Separated from exploitation to which our life time is exposed to. It lives in anxiety while trying to resist being forced into the darkness and the dessert by politics reduced to a spectacle.

It’s a submerged island that being emerged.

It has no borders. Because our existences don’t create borders: utopia is a piece of mainland onto which an immigrant wishes to arrive; it’s a lifetime of our desires, it’s delight that survives next to our assumed debts.

Utopia is a smile of Antonello’s unknown sailor . A smile that can radically transform our present. A smile as a response to whoever wants us as servants.

Utopia is another way of thinking about our day.

It’s nostalgia of the lost time, and joy for the time that remains.

It’s restless freedom that makes us even more excited.

It’s certainty that everything is still possible differently than before.

Thomasproject is a space that belongs to everyone.

A communal space that we should expand together.

An architecture we want to traverse: from where you never get out alone.

Thomasproject is a name that we give to a project at least 500 years old.

Since it’s been around, misunderstood and alienating, the name „utopia“: Thomas More, 1516. It’s a project of re-existence and revolt: Thomas Müntzer, 1525.

But it’s a project that carries within times of all the utopias and all the defeated revolutions: of all the breaches in which history opened just to close again immediately.

It’s a project of those who don’t settle for their stories being told by others.

It’s a memory of what has happened, a memory of what is possible.

For us. For the time that is coming.