Submitted articles must comply with the following editorial rules:
articles must prove scientific accuracy, a grounded theoretical and methodological approach, and at the same time significant results concerning empirical research, considering the international context. Our journal will also hold unpublished contributions by internationally renowned collaborators and scholars. The submitted contributions must be unpublished and unsubmitted to other journals or other sort of publication.
articles must be submitted to the editorial staff through this email address:
articles must be submitted in an anonymous format: name of the author (or of the authors), institutional affiliation, address and telephone numbers and any comments concerning the contribution must be put in the body of the email.
The article must be submitted in each and every one of these three formats: .doc 97/98 .rtf and .pdf
The article must be submitted with a distinguished document specifying: name, institutional affiliation, address and telephone numbers of the author (or of the authors) and any comments concerning the article.
2) Article composition:
The article can be written in the following languages: Italian, Portuguese, English, Spanish, French.
The article must include two abstracts: the first one in the same language of the article, the second one in English. Both the abstracts cannot exceed 500 characters, including spaces.
Six “keywords” are required: both in the language in which the article is written and in English.
The article must not exceed 40,000 characters (including spaces, notes and bibliographical references). Longer essays must be previously planned according with the editor of the special issue and the editorial coordinator.
It is possible to include a limited number of figures, photographs, tables and graphs, including credits and / or captions.
Reviews must not exceed 15 / 20,000 characters. They don’t have to concern just a summary of the book, but to propose a critical reading.
3) Text setup and citations:
2 kinds of fonts are allowed: normal, italic.
Bold is just allowed if included in an original quotation.
Italic should be used for words in a foreign language, as well as for highlighting and emphasising words or short sentences. A restrained use is strongly recommended.
Quotations with more than three lines must be placed outside the body of the text, without quotation marks and in character 10. Quotations with less than three lines must be placed in the body of the text with quotation marks (“xxx”). For a quoted part of a text, already included into a quotation with quotation marks, use apical commas «xxxx:“ yyyy ”. Xxx “. In the case of non-literal references to specific texts, it is needed, to make reference to the text in the footnote, as follows: “cf. / see”, paying attention to the other bibliographic rules.
Corporal quotation marks can be also used to give particular emphasis to some terms or expressions, especially if uncommon. Also in this case, a restrained use is recommended.
When italics are not present in the original, quoted text, this use must be noticed in footnote.
For the epigraphs, follow the same quotation rules.
4) Footnotes:
Notes must be always placed at the bottom of the page, character 10, one line spaced, according to the Word settings, progressively enumerated. It is recommended to avoid indentations at the beginning of the footnote.
5) Text characters:
Body of the text: Times New Roman, character 12, justified, 1,50 line spaced. Format the text without any indentation.
Title of the essay: Time New Roman, character 14, justified, small character, no indentations, no full stop.
Subtitle if applicable: italics.
Once the revision period completed, the author’s name will be placed after the title by the editor. Only if needed by contractual reasons, any reference to the author’s filiation (university, study center, institution, etc.), will be placed at the bottom of the page.
This kind of information must be sent, and stressed, separately in the e-mail, as specified above: “to be placed at the bottom of the page”.
Titles of paragraphs: Times New Roman, character 12, justified, no indentations, no full stops, Arabic enumeration, two empty lines from the previous text and an empty line from the next text.
6) Quotation method:
Bibliographic references placed in the text, must include, in brackets: the author’s surname, in capital letters, followed by a space, the year of the edition, colon and the page number (FREUD 2002: 10).
In the case of several publications of the same author in the same year, the year is followed by small letters, progressively enumerated. In the case of more than one author, they must be specified and separated by a short central hyphen (DELEUZE-GUATTARI 1984: 34).
In the case of more than three authors, the surname of the first author must be followed by “et al.”: (GILBERTO et al.)
Quotations of texts considered to be classical must include, in brackets, the bibliographical references according to common tradition: (Plato, Apologia of Socrates, VIII, 22d-22e). They must be followed by a footnote specifying – according to the bibliographic rules: the edition, even if a translation (Plato 1986: 40-41). If the translation of the text is by the authorship of the author of the article, this must be also specified in the same foot note in brackets: (my tr.). If it is used an already existing translation, cited in the bibliography, we suggest to make reference to the original edition (see below).
7) Rules for the final bibliography:
Main example:
BENJAMIN, Walter. «Tesi sulla filosofia della storia» in: Angelus Novus. Torino: Einaudi, 1995 (possible original edition in brackets).
If the article mentions reprints or new editions of the first edition of a work, it will be specified by a superscript number: ex. 19953
Bibliography must be placed at the end of the text, and listed without enumation, alphabetically ordered, according with the author’s surname (in capital letters), this one followed by the author’s name, in full and in small letters (possibly don’t forgive the middle initial), except if the author himself signs by dotted letters. For each author, the different works are listed by the chronological order of publication (in the case of works by the same author, published in the same year, use an alphabetical enumeration: a, b, c).
In the case of similar surnames (ex. Melanie Klein and George S. Klein), follow the enumeration according with the initial of the name. The title of the work must be written in italics.
Titles of articles, chapters or parts of a work, must be written between corporal quotation marks followed by commas, “in”, and the title of the work in italics. Take into account the aforementioned editorial rules, adding the range of pages in question.
BENJAMIN, Walter. “Thesis on the philosophy of history”, in: Angelus Novus. Torino: Einaudi, 1995 (possible original edition in brackets), pp. XX-YY.
In the case of an edited work, add the name of the editor(s), followed by the words “(edited by)”.
We recommend to restrict the bibliographical references to the references actually present in the text. In the case of quotations from a translation, to make reference to the original editions, follow the next examples.
Bibliographic references must be listed according to the rules you can infer through the following examples:
BECK T. Aron, RUSH A. John., SHAW Brian F., EMERY Gary. Cognitive Therapy of Depression. New York: Guilford Press, 1979. (tr.: La terapia cognitive della depressione. Torino: Bollati Boringhieri, 1987).
BOLTANSKI Luc, CLAVERIE Élisabeth, OFFENSTADT Nicolas, VAN DAMME Stéphane, edited by. Affaires, scandales et grandes causes. De Socrate à Pinochet. Paris: Stock, 2007.
Essay or book chapter:
BEEBE James B. “Mother-child mutual influence and precursors of self and object representation”, in: MASLING Jospeh M., edited by. Empirical Studies of Psychoanalytic Theories, Vol. 2. Hillsdale, New York: Analytic Press, 1983, pp.XX-YY.
The aforementioned rules also concern magazines or newspapers.
BENEDETTI Gaetano. Speech in the debate on the report by John Gunderson at the International Conference New Trends in Schizophrenia. Bologna, 14-17 April 1988 (tape recording).
Volume or website article:
Follow the same advices as in the case of printed volumes and articles, with the addition of: text available on the site: http: // www … and the date of consultation.
Figures, tables and graphs: they must be placed gradually in the text, by format allowing subsequent graphical interventions. The authors are asked to restrict the use of tables, graphics, figures (use shades of gray), and to attach the same documents in distinct archives with high definition.
The captions must be set in Times New Roman, regular character 9 regular, centered.
The tables must be set in 8 or 9, Times New Roman, top header: the reformatting of materials according to the layout of the publication will be charged by the editor and discussed with the author.
Photographs and maps must be sent individually in jpeg files with 1200 dpi resolution. A text file with the advice of the exact point of insertion and any related caption is needed.
Accents: highly accurate use of the accent is recommended, especially with regards to acute and severe accents, umlauts and diacritics, according to the grammatical rules of each language. The use of the apostrophe in place of the accent is not allowed (ex. “È” and not “E´”)
Punctuation: don’t place any space before the following punctuation marks: . (full stop), (comma) : (colon) ; (semicolon) ! (Exclamation mark) ? (question mark) “(top quotation marks)” (quotation marks). At the contrary, leave spaces after these same punctuation marks. Some exceptions for creative use of punctuation, especially by quoted authors, will be considered case-by-case.
Dashes: two types are allowed: short ones (-) and medium ones (–). The short dashes should be reserved for compound words, for example: “historical-critical analysis”, or for numbers, for example: “in the 1970s-80s”, “pp. 46-47 “,” pp. vii-viii “,” pp. XV-XVI ”, etc. (short dashes should never be preceded or followed by spaces). The middle dashes are used instead for incidental sentences, that is to open a sort of parenthesis in the text, and in this case, it is needed a space before and one after the hyphen (for example: “You see doctor – said the patient – today, when I was coming here… “); middle dashes are also used in the final bibliography to specify texts of the same author:
Editorial Rules
Submitted articles must comply with the following editorial rules:
Download a proof-page: you can use it for your article
1) Peer review:
The article must be submitted in each and every one of these three formats: .doc 97/98 .rtf and .pdf
The article must be submitted with a distinguished document specifying: name, institutional affiliation, address and telephone numbers of the author (or of the authors) and any comments concerning the article.
2) Article composition:
The article can be written in the following languages: Italian, Portuguese, English, Spanish, French.
The article must include two abstracts: the first one in the same language of the article, the second one in English. Both the abstracts cannot exceed 500 characters, including spaces.
Six “keywords” are required: both in the language in which the article is written and in English.
The article must not exceed 40,000 characters (including spaces, notes and bibliographical references). Longer essays must be previously planned according with the editor of the special issue and the editorial coordinator.
It is possible to include a limited number of figures, photographs, tables and graphs, including credits and / or captions.
Reviews must not exceed 15 / 20,000 characters. They don’t have to concern just a summary of the book, but to propose a critical reading.
3) Text setup and citations:
2 kinds of fonts are allowed: normal, italic.
Bold is just allowed if included in an original quotation.
Italic should be used for words in a foreign language, as well as for highlighting and emphasising words or short sentences. A restrained use is strongly recommended.
Quotations with more than three lines must be placed outside the body of the text, without quotation marks and in character 10. Quotations with less than three lines must be placed in the body of the text with quotation marks (“xxx”). For a quoted part of a text, already included into a quotation with quotation marks, use apical commas «xxxx:“ yyyy ”. Xxx “. In the case of non-literal references to specific texts, it is needed, to make reference to the text in the footnote, as follows: “cf. / see”, paying attention to the other bibliographic rules.
Corporal quotation marks can be also used to give particular emphasis to some terms or expressions, especially if uncommon. Also in this case, a restrained use is recommended.
When italics are not present in the original, quoted text, this use must be noticed in footnote.
For the epigraphs, follow the same quotation rules.
4) Footnotes:
Notes must be always placed at the bottom of the page, character 10, one line spaced, according to the Word settings, progressively enumerated. It is recommended to avoid indentations at the beginning of the footnote.
5) Text characters:
Body of the text: Times New Roman, character 12, justified, 1,50 line spaced. Format the text without any indentation.
Title of the essay: Time New Roman, character 14, justified, small character, no indentations, no full stop.
Subtitle if applicable: italics.
Once the revision period completed, the author’s name will be placed after the title by the editor. Only if needed by contractual reasons, any reference to the author’s filiation (university, study center, institution, etc.), will be placed at the bottom of the page.
This kind of information must be sent, and stressed, separately in the e-mail, as specified above: “to be placed at the bottom of the page”.
Titles of paragraphs: Times New Roman, character 12, justified, no indentations, no full stops, Arabic enumeration, two empty lines from the previous text and an empty line from the next text.
6) Quotation method:
Bibliographic references placed in the text, must include, in brackets: the author’s surname, in capital letters, followed by a space, the year of the edition, colon and the page number (FREUD 2002: 10).
In the case of several publications of the same author in the same year, the year is followed by small letters, progressively enumerated. In the case of more than one author, they must be specified and separated by a short central hyphen (DELEUZE-GUATTARI 1984: 34).
In the case of more than three authors, the surname of the first author must be followed by “et al.”: (GILBERTO et al.)
Quotations of texts considered to be classical must include, in brackets, the bibliographical references according to common tradition: (Plato, Apologia of Socrates, VIII, 22d-22e). They must be followed by a footnote specifying – according to the bibliographic rules: the edition, even if a translation (Plato 1986: 40-41). If the translation of the text is by the authorship of the author of the article, this must be also specified in the same foot note in brackets: (my tr.). If it is used an already existing translation, cited in the bibliography, we suggest to make reference to the original edition (see below).
7) Rules for the final bibliography:
Main example:
BENJAMIN, Walter. «Tesi sulla filosofia della storia» in: Angelus Novus. Torino: Einaudi, 1995 (possible original edition in brackets).
If the article mentions reprints or new editions of the first edition of a work, it will be specified by a superscript number: ex. 19953
Bibliography must be placed at the end of the text, and listed without enumation, alphabetically ordered, according with the author’s surname (in capital letters), this one followed by the author’s name, in full and in small letters (possibly don’t forgive the middle initial), except if the author himself signs by dotted letters. For each author, the different works are listed by the chronological order of publication (in the case of works by the same author, published in the same year, use an alphabetical enumeration: a, b, c).
In the case of similar surnames (ex. Melanie Klein and George S. Klein), follow the enumeration according with the initial of the name. The title of the work must be written in italics.
Titles of articles, chapters or parts of a work, must be written between corporal quotation marks followed by commas, “in”, and the title of the work in italics. Take into account the aforementioned editorial rules, adding the range of pages in question.
HADOT, Pierre. Exercices spirituels et philosophie antique. Paris: Albin Michel, 2002.
BENJAMIN, Walter. “Thesis on the philosophy of history”, in: Angelus Novus. Torino: Einaudi, 1995 (possible original edition in brackets), pp. XX-YY.
In the case of an edited work, add the name of the editor(s), followed by the words “(edited by)”.
We recommend to restrict the bibliographical references to the references actually present in the text. In the case of quotations from a translation, to make reference to the original editions, follow the next examples.
Bibliographic references must be listed according to the rules you can infer through the following examples:
BECK T. Aron, RUSH A. John., SHAW Brian F., EMERY Gary. Cognitive Therapy of Depression. New York: Guilford Press, 1979. (tr.: La terapia cognitive della depressione. Torino: Bollati Boringhieri, 1987).
BOLTANSKI Luc, CLAVERIE Élisabeth, OFFENSTADT Nicolas, VAN DAMME Stéphane, edited by. Affaires, scandales et grandes causes. De Socrate à Pinochet. Paris: Stock, 2007.
Essay or book chapter:
BEEBE James B. “Mother-child mutual influence and precursors of self and object representation”, in: MASLING Jospeh M., edited by. Empirical Studies of Psychoanalytic Theories, Vol. 2. Hillsdale, New York: Analytic Press, 1983, pp.XX-YY.
The aforementioned rules also concern magazines or newspapers.
BENEDETTI Gaetano. Speech in the debate on the report by John Gunderson at the International Conference New Trends in Schizophrenia. Bologna, 14-17 April 1988 (tape recording).
Volume or website article:
Follow the same advices as in the case of printed volumes and articles, with the addition of: text available on the site: http: // www … and the date of consultation.
Figures, tables and graphs: they must be placed gradually in the text, by format allowing subsequent graphical interventions. The authors are asked to restrict the use of tables, graphics, figures (use shades of gray), and to attach the same documents in distinct archives with high definition.
The captions must be set in Times New Roman, regular character 9 regular, centered.
The tables must be set in 8 or 9, Times New Roman, top header: the reformatting of materials according to the layout of the publication will be charged by the editor and discussed with the author.
Photographs and maps must be sent individually in jpeg files with 1200 dpi resolution. A text file with the advice of the exact point of insertion and any related caption is needed.
Accents: highly accurate use of the accent is recommended, especially with regards to acute and severe accents, umlauts and diacritics, according to the grammatical rules of each language. The use of the apostrophe in place of the accent is not allowed (ex. “È” and not “E´”)
Punctuation: don’t place any space before the following punctuation marks: . (full stop), (comma) : (colon) ; (semicolon) ! (Exclamation mark) ? (question mark) “(top quotation marks)” (quotation marks). At the contrary, leave spaces after these same punctuation marks. Some exceptions for creative use of punctuation, especially by quoted authors, will be considered case-by-case.
Dashes: two types are allowed: short ones (-) and medium ones (–). The short dashes should be reserved for compound words, for example: “historical-critical analysis”, or for numbers, for example: “in the 1970s-80s”, “pp. 46-47 “,” pp. vii-viii “,” pp. XV-XVI ”, etc. (short dashes should never be preceded or followed by spaces). The middle dashes are used instead for incidental sentences, that is to open a sort of parenthesis in the text, and in this case, it is needed a space before and one after the hyphen (for example: “You see doctor – said the patient – today, when I was coming here… “); middle dashes are also used in the final bibliography to specify texts of the same author:
XXXX Yyyy. Zzzzz ….
– Zzzzz …